Making the shift

I have always hidden behind my hair. It was the one thing I could control. It was what I used to distract and diflect with. Short or long I was always changing the color or living my best flame red life.

But as it goes in my world those Big Birthdays mark epic changes. I tend to make huge life shifts every 10 years. The last 2 have totally been for me. At 40 I refused to live in a dead marriage any more.

In the years to follow I have slowly become me. Finding peace. Not just on my skin but in my head. So at 50 I unconsciously made the decision to embrace my grey hair. To let go of my shield of fire. Doing so has just happened organically. There was no plan on how or when to get there. So the other day when I had a gap in my schedule I took the plunge and finished the transition.

For the first time in almost 30 years I am just me. I don’t need a shield. See me. Not my persona. My husband saw me from the beginning. I know he loved the brash red head who constantly for comments. And I am sure he may miss her. But he loves this woman I am becoming. And so do I.

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